WMRPCV President contact information:
Please contact the president for more information about the group or to submit a request for a humanitarian donation.
President: Jim Burchfield wmrpcv@gmail.com (Guatemala 1973-77) or
Other officers of WMRPCV and email addresses:
Secretary/Treasurer: Mary Younger mmjyounger@aol.com (Cameroon 1974-76)
Activities Coordinator: Allison Segal allisonmsegal@yahoo.com (Morocco 2010-12)
Social Media Administrator: Kyra Hall gorgonheim@protonmail.com (Botswana 2015-17)
U of MT Campus Representative: Abby Nelson peacecorps@umontana.edu
Other officers of WMRPCV and email addresses:
Secretary/Treasurer: Mary Younger mmjyounger@aol.com (Cameroon 1974-76)
Activities Coordinator: Allison Segal allisonmsegal@yahoo.com (Morocco 2010-12)
Social Media Administrator: Kyra Hall gorgonheim@protonmail.com (Botswana 2015-17)
U of MT Campus Representative: Abby Nelson peacecorps@umontana.edu